包装印刷、能源电力等行业。 公司坚持“高标准的严格管理、高标准的产品质量、高标准的销售服务”的经营方针和经营理念,为适应不断发展和变化的市场需求,公司引进日、意、英、美、韩、瑞士、法、德等当今世界较高水平的生产设备与现代生产工艺。先进的生产设备,严格的质量体系保证,科学的生产管理,使公司产品具备品种齐全、高等美观、质量优异、环保节能、高等服务等特色。 “尽高标准的努力,让客户高标准的满意”,公司实施品牌战略和品牌全部化经营战略,银百创新品牌不仅畅销国内,广泛应用于全国建筑工程,而且出口到以发达国家为主的世界各国。今天,广东百银铝业有限公司已成为品牌形象突出、资金实力雄厚、产品规格齐全、研发设施完善、创新能力显著、生产质量稳定、营销服务体系健全的知名铝材企业。 银百创新,为您做足高标准! Siver 100 located in Shishan, Guangdong Province. Production facilities include billet casting, extrusion and fabrication. Products are divided into 6 main categories--powder coated, electrophoretic, anodized, fluoro-carbon coated, wood like finish and thermal break assembly, thousands types of architectural, decorative and engineering profiles. In order to meet the demands of ever increasing and diversified markets, advanced manufacturing lines and technologies were introduced from Japan, Italy, UK,Switzerland, Germany as well as South Korea. Importedfacilities such as Wonsin s electrophoretic coating; Powder Coating device from Gema, Italian wood Grain Finish as well as Muller s thermal break lines were brought in. Silver100 s products are not only well received within China, being installed in many landmark buildingsand residential projects throughout China, they are also exported to various contries including the United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, Australia, Russia, Germany, Italy, France and the United Kingdom. Building upon current success, we are poised to provide top class products, service and support to our customers. Siver 100, committed to achieve 高标准 to YOU!