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2011 QUALISINO 会员年会

  • 开幕日期:2011年06月29日
  • 闭幕日期:2011年06月29日
  • 展会城市:佛山三水花园酒店(中国广东省佛山市三水区广海大道中39号)(39 Guanghai Road Cen
  • 展会场馆:佛山三水花园酒店(中国广东省佛山市三水区广海大道中39号)(39 Guanghai Road Central, Sanshui,Foshan)
  • 展会状态:展会结束


2011 QUALISINO会员年会将于2011.06.29在佛山三水花园酒店举行,届时来自国内外众多知名的建筑商,铝型材生产厂家,涂料供应商以及前处理化学品供应商将齐聚会场,共同进行国内外铝型材行业技术问题以及市场信息的探讨与交流。本次会议有幸邀请到Qualicoat执行总裁Mr. Joesf Schoppig , Qualicoat技术总监Mr. Riccardo Boi, 德国阳极氧化电源专家Mr. Frank Munk以及Qualisino执行董事长Mr. Michael Mueller等嘉宾。本次会议将会对2010 QualicoatQualanod在欧洲的最新发展动态进行介绍,QualicoatQualanod在中国的发展历程以及工厂检查中常见的问题进行阐述。


2011 QUALISINO member meeting will be held on 2011.06.29 in Foshan Sanshui Garden Hotel. On the occasion, a lot of famous builder, aluminum manufacturer, coating supplier and chemical suppliers from home and abroad will attend this meeting to discuss and exchange lastest technical problems and market information in aluminium industry. We are very pleased to invite Mr. Joesf Schoppig who is the managing director of Qualicoat and Qualanod, Mr. Riccardo Boi who is the technical director of Qualicoat, Mr. Frank Munk who is the general manager of Munk GmbH and Mr. Michael Mueller who is the managing director of Qualisino. The meeting will focus on the latest issue of Qualicoat, Qualanod in Europe and development of Qualicoat, Qualanod in China, to clear up the common problems which we have encountered during the plant inspections.




佛山三水花园酒店(中国广东省佛山市三水区广海大道中39号)(39 Guanghai Road Central, Sanshui,Foshan)