美国 TREK520手持式静电电压测试仪|TREK520-1-CE手提式静电计
应用: 人体或对象表面静电量测试,主要用于厂内静电产生情况的抽检.
Model:520 Measurement Range
0 to ±2 kV DC.
Model 523 Measurement Range
0 to ±20 kV DC.
Model:520 Probe-to-Surface Separation (recommended)
5 mm to 25 mm.
Model 523 Probe-to-Surface Separation (recommended)
30 mm to 60 mm.
公司网站:0 to ±2 kV DC.
Model 523 Measurement Range
0 to ±20 kV DC.
Model:520 Accuracy
ESVM Monitor (Model:520-2)
Better than ±5% of full scale over the entire recommended probe-to-surface separation range of 5 mm to 25 mm.
Model 523 Accuracy
Better than ±5% of full scale over the entire recommended probe-to-surface separation range of 30 mm to 60 mm.
Model:520 Probe-to-Surface Separation (recommended)
5 mm to 25 mm.
Model 523 Probe-to-Surface Separation (recommended)
30 mm to 60 mm.
Drift with Time
Less than 600 ppm/hour, noncumulative.
Drift with Temperature
Less than 600 ppm/°C.