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铝道网  >  铝产品 >  铝板  > 铝天花板  > ***使用防风扣板 铝扣板 供应

***使用防风扣板 铝扣板 供应


25 元/米

  • 单价:电议
  • 最小起订量: 100
  • 所在地:广东 广州
  • 供货总量: 99999
  • 发布时间:2016-03-14



本参数 品牌: 谱高 型号: 多种化 分类: 扣板天花 产品类别: 喷涂 材料: 铝 尺寸: 定制 板面形式: 平面 表面涂层: 喷粉 产地: 中国 功能: 防火 厚度: 0.8或1.0以上报价是0.8厚 类型: 吊顶天花 特性: 环保,美观,经济,耐用 规格: 可定制,H200*25厚0.8,H250*25厚0.8,H300*25厚0.8,H500*25厚1.2 详细说明 备注:以上报价仅供参考,实际价格请咨询在线客服,或直接致电我们! 条形扣板(H型密拼条形扣板、H型组合条形扣板、U型透气条形扣板、G型暗缝条形扣板、C型密拼条形扣板)    1、H型密拼条形扣板 采用优异热镀锌板或铝合金板材,经机械画线、板型弯折的工业精制而成,易装、易拆、维修方便。H型条扣板为纵向缝,细密且板面平直,线条简介明快,富有变化,可进行各种腹膜和粉末喷涂等表面处理,且搭配灵活,可为消费者提供更多的设计构思和装饰效果。 Using high-quality galvanized iron and aluminium alloy plate,through the mechanical drawing a line and bending process refined,easy to disassembly transvestite and maintenance,Sew among panels are conceated and surface are straight are straight,with simple lines,could be treated by technology as polymer-coating and power coating,it with a fleible collocation,which with provide customers more idea to decorated. 适用范围:适用于写字楼、酒店、停车场、商贸娱乐场所、高等住宅等大中小型的建筑装饰。 Application      Usedin building decoration of all size as office building,hotel,pang lot,places of commerce and trade,high-class buildings.      2、H型组合条型扣板 H型组合条形扣板光滑流畅的平面体现时尚触觉,带动现代设计灵感,精致的天花片整而稳固,可徒手装卸,无须利用任何工具,较为轻易;并可设计置隔音棉,缔造无缺的吸音功能.         Its smooth surface show sense of fashion,bring about inspiration of modern desighing,The delicate ceiling is flat and stable,could be installed and unloaded,it’s easily finishing it without any tool.On the other hand,it could be insert sound insulation cotton to create perfect sound-absorbing function.   适用范围:适用于各大小型机场、地铁站、停车场、餐馆、学校以及办公室等不同场所的装饰。 Application Suitable for various small airport,subway,car parks,restaurants,schools,offices and other different places decoration.      3、U型透气条形扣板 其安装结构为标准龙骨卡扣式结构,板材之间可选择密缝和留缝两种拼装方式,可适用于户外装置,并可灵活组装使用,为设计师提供更广阔的构思空间。系统具有公开的视野,园边式条状天花,流畅的线条,为空间带来和谐柔美的感觉,片材可做成弧形,弧形条板的出现,启发设计师更多的构思,创造出独特的空间美。 Its installation structure for the standed carrier clip-on style structure both collocation ways of non-sew and sew for choice can be application to the outline equipment,and can be flexible assembly used for designers to provide wider space conception.The system has open vision,the round strip smallpox,smooth lines,bring to a state of harmony for the space feeling,sheet material can make it to arc,the appearance of the article arc plate,inspired stylist more idea,to create uniique space beauty. 适用范围:商场、通道、大堂、车站、地铁站等。 Application    Apply to shopping mall,gallery,lobby, and metro.      4、G型暗缝条形扣板 G型条扣天花有别于传统的天花,选用优异的铝材,准确加工成型,并提供丰富的色彩选择,公开式吊顶营造出优美大方的造型和富于变化的色彩空间。板与板之间形成凹槽,板面可能出现的变形、凹陷等隐蔽缺点会被凹槽所抵消,从而达到天花之间的接合更无缺无瑕,远近观望天花明暗相间,突出空间较强的层次感和立体感。 The G-shaped strip ceiling unlike the traditional smallpox,made of high quality aluminium,precision maching,molding,and a rich selection of colors,open and generous ceiling to create a beautiful shape and varied color shape,There is groove between panel and panel,which be able to cover disadvantages may discovered from surface,make theceilings more perfect ,stand out stereoscopic sensation of the shape. 适用范围:机场、车站、体育馆、加油站、写字楼、贸易商场等建筑装饰。 Application    Used in decoration of airport,,gym,oil ,office building,and commercial mall.      5、C型密拼条形扣板 C型密拼条形扣板由进口专项使用烤漆龙骨、简单易于维护保养的铝合金条板组成,铝板分小孔型和小孔带吸音纸型,并提供诸多标准颜色系列,能构组合成平整密闭式结构,便于清洁;多模数板宽可任意组合;其简单灵活的组合可为现代建筑提供更多的设计构思。  It’s made up of imported special paint carriers and aluminium alloy easy to maintain,and aluminium board are divided into pinhole type and pinhole sound-absorbing custom,at the same time offer variety of standard colors,The products are able to combine leveling airtight structure,easy to clean,it could be aleatoric combination,the simple flexible combination offer more design ideas for modern building. 适用范围:机场、车站、体育馆、加油站、写字楼、贸易商场等建筑装饰。 Application  Used in decoration of airport,,gym,oil ,office building,and commercial mall. G型暗缝条形扣板      G型条扣天花有别于传统的天花,选用优异的铝材,准确加工成型,并提供丰富的色彩选择,公开式吊顶营造出优美大方的造型和富于变化的色彩空间。板与板之间形成凹槽,板面可能出现的变形、凹陷等隐蔽缺点会被凹槽所抵消,从而达到天花之间的接合更无缺无瑕,远近观望天花明暗相间,突出空间较强的层次感和立体感。      适用范围:机场、车站、体育馆、加油站、写字楼、贸易商场等建筑装饰。  



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