可实现型材- 45 ° ~90 ° ~45 °切割。采用气压传动,水平直线式工进方式,运动机头由电机拖动行走定位。整机结构坚固,刚性好,安全可靠。该机进给平稳,定位准确、切割精度高、切削范围大、生产效率高。
The saw machine is used for cutting of alu-alloy profiles.?
The machine can cut alu-alloy profiles from -45 ° to 90 ° to 45 ° . Pneumatic drive, linear feed. Adjustable head can be pulled to set positions by drive motor. The machine structure is strong and of excellet rigidity and reliability. The machine features smooth feeding, precise locating, hi-precision cutting, large cutting range and hi-efficiency.
输入电源 Power supply380V 50Hz工作气压 Air pressure0.4~0.6(Mpa)耗气量 Air consumption110L /min输入功率 Input power3.6kw锯切范围 Cutting range450~3700 ( mm )锯切宽×高 ( 度 ) Cutting W x H120x200( mm )锯切角度 Cutting angle-45 ° ~90 ° ~45 °外形尺寸Overall dimension4500x1100x140(mm)重量 Weight1500kg ? ?
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