Shield-Bright 309LMo X-tra was developed for the welding of stainless steels to carbon or low alloy steels. For thick sections it is often preferable that the non-stainless steel should be buttered with a layer of Shield-Bright 309L X-tra and the joint made with Shield-Bright 316L X-tra or 308L X-tra. It was also developed for the first layer cladding of carbon and low alloy steels prior to subsequent layers from Shield-Bright 316L X-tra or 317L X-tra. The service temperature of all the resulting weldments should not exceed about 700°F (370°C). Multiple layer cladding with Shield-Bright 309LMo X-tra can be used for additional corrosion resistance in some applications in the pulp and paper industry. Shield-Bright 309LMo X-tra was developed for welding in the flat position and for horizontal fillet welds with flat to concave beads with excellent slag removal. It can be used with either 75% Ar / 25% CO2 or 高标准 CO2 gases.
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