燃气熔铝炉、直接放水熔化炉是市场上目前需求较多的这款废铝回收铝合金熔化炉,工艺顺序是 将回收的废铝:易拉罐、边角料、料饼、废铝铝合金门窗等放入一个由耐火泥浇筑成型的炉膛内进行加热熔化的,燃烧介质可选择天燃气或液化石油汽,燃烧器可选用燃烧喷火一体控制机或燃烧高速烧嘴等;
The design of furnace is new L type or straight type that is suitable for any foundries of their space. It is still with the melting room, holding room and dipping poor that make it with best efficiency and convenience.
炉体耐火材料———— Furance Refractory
It casts the special low cement castable to avoid the dross attacked and easy to clean for longer service life.
燃烧控制系统———— Burning and Cool System
Special burner type can cool the temperature steadily, easy to maintain and safer. 规格———— Specification
型号 | HXAL-1000型 |
保持汤量 Holding Al (kgs) | 1000 kg |
出汤量 Max. Supply Al /Hr | 350 kg/h |
炉本体尺寸 W x L x H1 X H2 mm | 请见图纸 |
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