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Changzhou Huaxia Drying

铝道网  >  原辅材料及其他 >  添加剂类  > 其它添加剂类  > 供应精炼剂干燥机、包装机



750000 元/套

  • 单价:电议
  • 最小起订量: 1
  • 所在地:江苏 常州
  • 供货总量: 10
  • 发布时间:2020-11-16



节能干燥机--(真空)圆盘(盘式连续)干燥机(通过欧盟CE & PED认证)
Energy Saving Drying Equipment --Vacuum Plate Dryer (CE&PED Approved)


Plate dryer是一种**的传导型连续干燥设备。其独特的结构和工作原理决定了它具有热效率高、能耗低、占地面积小、配置简单、操作控制方便、操作环境好等特点。广泛适用于化工、医药、农药、食品、饲料、农副产品加工等行业的干燥作业。在各行业使用实践中深受好评。可分为常压、密闭、真空三大类型; 1200 、 1500 、 2200 、 3000四种规格; A (碳钢)、 B (接触物料部分不锈钢)、 C (在 B 的基础上、增加蒸汽管路、主轴及支架为不锈钢,筒体和顶盖内衬不锈钢)三种材质 ,干燥面积 4 ~ 180m2 ,共几百种型号的系列产品 ,并能提供与之相配套的辅助设备,可满足用户对各种物料进行干燥的需要。
PLG Series Continual Plate Dryer Descriptions Plate dryer is a kind of high effective conducting and continuous drying equipment . Its unique structure and operating principle determine that it has advantages of high heat efficiency, low energy consumption,small occupying area,simple configuration,easy operating and cool as well as friendly operating environment etc . It can be widely used in drying process in the fields of chemical industry. Pharmaceuticals , agricultural che micals , foods tuff , fodder , process of agricultural and sideline products etc , and is well received by various sectors in their practical usage . Now there are three big categorie s, named normal pressure , closed and vacuum styles; four sizes of 1200,1500,2200 and 3000; and three kinds of materials, namely A(carbon steel), B(stainless steel used for those all parts where materials are contacted) and C ( on the basis of B to add stainless steel materials for vapor pipes, main shaft and support, and stain -less steel linings for cylinder body and top cover). With a drying area being from 4 to 180 square metres, now we have hundreds of models of series products and various kinds of auxiliary devices available to meet requirements of drying materials for customers.
湿物料自加料器连续地加到干燥器上部较好层 干燥盘上 ,带有耙叶的耙臂作回转运动使耙叶连续地翻抄物料 。物料沿指数螺旋线流过干燥盘表面 ,在小干燥盘上的物料被移送到外缘 ,并在 外缘落到下方的大干燥盘外缘,在大干燥盘上物料向里移动并从中间落料口落入下一层小干燥盘中 。大小干燥盘上下交替排列 ,物料得以连续 地流过整个干燥器。中空的干燥盘内通入加热介质 ,加热介质形式有饱和蒸汽 、热水和导热油 ,加热介质由干燥盘的一端进入,从另一端导出 。已干物料从较后一层干燥盘落到壳体的底层 ,较后被耙叶移送到出料口排出 。湿份从物料中逸出 ,由设在顶盖上的排湿口排出,真空型盘式 干燥器的湿气由设在顶盖上的真空泵口抽出 。从底层排出的干物料可直接包装 。通过配加翅片加热器 、溶剂回收冷凝器、袋式除尘器、干料返 混机构、引风机等辅机,可提高其干燥的生产能力,干燥膏糊状和热敏性物料,可方便地回收溶剂,并能进行热解和反应操作。
Wet materials are fed continuously to the first dryinglayer on the top of the dryer .They will be turned and stirred by rakes when the rake arm rotates and drop down to the outer edge of the large drying plate along the exponential helical line.On the small drying plate they will be moved to its outer edge and drop down to the outer edge of the large drying plate underneath,and will be moved inward and drop down from its ceal hole to the small drying plate on the next layer.Both small and large drying plates are arranged alternately so as materials can go through the whole dryer continuously.The heating media,Which could be informs of saturated steam,hot water or heat conducting oil will be led into hollow drying plates from one end to the other end of the dryer.The dried materials will drop from the last layer of the drying plate to the bottom layer of the shell body,and will be moved by rakes to the dischargeport.The moisture escapes from materials and will be removed from the moist discharge port on the top cover,or sucked out by the vacuum pump one the top cover for vacuum-type plate dryer.The dried materials discharged from the bottom layer can be packed directly.The drying capability can be raised up if equipped with supplementary devices such as finned heater,condenser for solvent in those dried paste and heat sensitive materials can be easily retrieved,and thermal decomosition and reaction can be also carried out.
干燥 热解 煅烧 冷却 反应 升华
( 一 ) 化工产品
聚氯乙烯树脂、聚四氟乙烯树脂、反丁烯二酸、蒽醌、硝基蒽醌、对氨基苯酚 、、氰尿酸、对氨基苯磺酸、抗氧剂 168 、色酚 As 、硬脂酸盐、苯胺、硝基苯胺、双季戊四醇、氯化石蜡、甲酸钙、三乙烯二胺、苯亚 磺酸钠、间苯二甲酸、二甲酯五磺酸钠、硫脲、油溶性苯胺黑染料、酸性黑染料等化工原料和中间体。
( 二 ) 无机化工产品
轻质碳酸钙、活性碳酸钙、纳米级超细碳酸钙、碳酸镁、氢氧化铝、白炭黑、碳酸锶、碳酸钡、碳酸钾、立德粉、保险粉、硫酸钡、硫酸钾、微球 催化剂、氢氧化镁、硫酸铜、硫酸镍、镍酸胺、钼酸钠、氯化钠、冰晶石、氧化铁红、氢氧化锂、氢氧化镍、氢氧化锆、磷酸钙、硫磺等。
( 二 ) 医药、食品
氨苄青霉素、邓盐、左旋苯甘氨酸及中间体、头孢氨噻、头孢三嗪、安乃近、西咪替丁、维生素 B12 、维生素 C 、药用盐、药用氢氧化铝、药用偏硅酸镁、****、茶、花提取物、银杏叶、巧克力粉、淀粉、玉米胚芽等原料及医药中间体。
( 三 ) 饲料、 肥料
Dry, cooling, pyrolysis calcination, reaction, sublimation
(A) organic chemical products
Polyvinyl chloride resin, polytetrafluoroethylene resin, fumaric acid, anthraquinone, nitro anthraquinone, p-aminophenol, melamine, cyanuric acid, sulfanilic acid, anti-Oxygen agent 168, Naphthol As, stearate, aniline, nitrobenzene amines, dipentaerythritol, chlorinated paraffin, calcium formate, three ethylene diamine, benzene Sodium, isophthalic Formic acid, dimethyl five sulfonate, thiourea, aniline black oil-soluble dyes, acid black dyes and other organic chemical raw materials and intermediates.
(B) inorganic chemical products
Precipitated calcium carbonate, calcium carbonate, nano-scale ultra-fine calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide, silica, strontium, barium carbonate, potassium carbonate, lithopone, insurance Powder, barium sulfate, potassium sulfate, microsphere catalyst, magnesium hydroxide, copper sulfate, nickel sulfate, nickel oxide, amine, sodium molybdate, sodium chloride, cryolite, red iron oxide, hydroxide Lithium, nickel hydroxide, zirconium hydroxide, calcium phosphate, sulfur and the like.
(B) the pharmaceutical, food Ampicillin, Deng salt, L-phenylglycine and intermediates, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, dipyrone, cimetidine, vitamin B12, vitamin C, medicinal Salt, pharmaceutical aluminum hydroxide, magnesium silicate medicinal migraine, caffeine, tea, flower extract, ginkgo biloba, chocolate powder, starch, corn germ and other raw materials and pharmaceutical intermediates.
(C) feed, fertilizer
Potassium carbonate, bio fertilizer, protein feed, feed chlortetracycline, mycelium, bran, distillers, food, seeds, herbicides, cellulose, calcium hydrogen phosphate and other feed.

四、工艺流程(Flow Chart)

五、技术参数()Technical parameter

规格Model 外径Diameter mm 高度Height mm 干燥面积Heating area m2 功率Power KW
1200/4 1850 2608 3.3 1.1
1200/6 3028 4.9
1200/8 3448 6.6 1.5
1200/10 3868 8.2
1200/12 4288 9.9
1500/6 2100 3022 8.0 2.2
1500/8 3442 10.7
1500/10 3862 13.4
1500/12 4282 16.1 3.0
1500/14 4702 18.8
1500/16 5122 21.5
2200/6 2900 3262 18.5 3.0
2200/8 3682 24.6
2200/10 4102 30.8
2200/12 4522 36.9 4.0
2200/14 4942 43.1
2200/16 5362 49.3 5.5


规格Model 外径Diameter mm 高度Height mm 干燥面积Heating area m 2 功率Power KW
2200/18 2900 5782 55.4 5.5
2200/20 6202 61.6
2200/22 6622 67.7 7.5
2200/24 7042 73.9
2200/26 7462 80.0
3000/8 3800 4050 48 11
3000/10 4650 60
3000/12 5250 72
3000/14 5850 84
3000/16 6450 96
3000/18 7050 108 13
3000/20 7650 120
3000/22 8250 132
3000/24 8850 144
3000/26 9450 156 15
3000/28 10050 168
3000/30 10650 180






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