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  东莞市标冠金属材料有限公司是一家有经验销售国内外知名钢铁企业的优异钢铁铜铝材料以及金属材料的企业,并与世界有名钢铁品牌的长期合作。公司位于广东省珠三角地区东莞市长安,是供应国内外知名钢铁企业的优异钢铁铜铝材料及金属材料技术咨询为一体的有经验化企业.我公司目前主要合作企业有宝钢集团,东北特钢集团,兴澄特钢,西宁特钢,长城特钢,石家庄钢铁,杭钢集团,重庆特钢,首钢集团,包钢集团,沙钢集团,宝新,张浦,德国蒂森克虏伯钢铁集团,德国葛利兹钢铁,日本新日铁,日本日立金属,日本冶金,美国AK钢铁,美国鲁丽钢铁,瑞典山特维克,瑞典一胜百,韩国浦项,芬兰奥托昆普等世界有名钢铁铜铝带领企业。公司依托珠三角有利的经济环境,面向大陆及港澳台地区,并积较开发全部市场。       公司紧跟时代脉搏,利用网络系统,展开了网络销售服务,符合了公司新时期下提出的以客户和市场为导向,不断拓展服务范围,提高服务精度和广度的战略要求,健全了我们的销售网络,建立了庞大的客户群。公司坚持诚信经营,顾客至上,品质靠前的企业宗旨,努力为客户提供优异、完善的一站式服务,使双方在激烈的市场竞争中实现双赢。       未来,我们将以客户为中心,持续为客户创造价值,与客户共同开创大展的美好蓝图!同时坚持以“务实、科技、创新、效率高、有经验、共赢”为经营理念,继续在人才、物流、信息、服务、资本市场统筹运作发展,不断为客户提供满足其需求的创新产品、服务及解决方案,为客户创造长期的价值增长、携手发展、共拓未来!  Foreign trade department:    Dongguan Biaoguan Metal Co., Ltd. was established in year 2013. We have been exporting a wide range of metal inclusive of stainless steel, aluminium, alloy, copper and many more products to worldwide market like North and South America, Europe, Middle East and Asia countries. The industries we support cover household, electronic and electrical appliances making, building renovation and decoration, die cast steel application, furniture part, lighting, automotive and many more. By understanding the needs of the international market and industrial application, we are always ready to play our role to support the buyers with proven quality, on time delivery, and competitive cost to earn the market share and establish our capability and reputation. In addition to strengthen our position in the market, we do strive our best to support the scarce metal product or custom made order to assist our customer in their special application. We are always looking forward to building long term supply demand relationship with overseas customer to develop a better product with lower cost and high pace of product revision.  Together, we make dreams come true   Contact Detail Contact Person: Mr. Zhang  Contact # : 0086***请点击商铺导航 联系我们*** Telephone: 0086769 81584702 Email add : biaoguan@foxmail.com Metal Supplied:  Carbon structural steel, High carbon steel, mild steel, Carbon tool steel, Medium carbon steel, high strength steel, manganese steel, pring steel, Bearing steel, Cold drawn steel, Cold rolled steel, Hot rolled steel, Die steel, high speed steel, environmental protection steel, Free Cutting Steel, Alloy tool steel, Cast steel, Cold heading steel, Annealed steel, chilled steel, Temper steel, Carburizing steel, forge steel, Cr Mo steel,Mn steel, free machining steel, ESR ,Tensile strength steel, constructional steels,pure copper, Electrolytic copper, Oxygen free copper, Phosphorus copper, Aluminum bronze, Beryllium bronze, Tin bronze, Phosphor bronze, Silicon bronze, Cast bronze, Cadmium bronze, Chrome bronze      , Lead brass (PB- brass), Bismuth brass, Copper zinc alloy, Manganese brass, Aluminum brass, Silicon brass, nickel brass, Tin brass, Cast brass.  