美国泰乐TYLER生产的进口刀型闸阀的启闭件是闸板,Knife gate valves America tylosin TYLER production is the gate opening and closing parts,闸板的运动方向与流体方向相垂直,手动刀型闸阀只能作全开和全关,不能作调节和节流。刀闸阀顾名思义就是平板阀板底部具有刀型斜切口,具有切断介质的功能,使得阀门关闭不受介质阻塞。此阀门一般用于纸浆,煤灰,化工原料,污水,食品等介质的流通启闭。压力范围一般都1.6MPa以内使用,温度一般在120℃以下使用,高温也可以用特殊材质代替使用。根据密封性能要求可以分软密封和硬密封。软密封可以达到0泄露,硬密封根据不同泄露等级检验。 本阀门操作方便,开启自由,运动灵活可靠;阀瓣装配维修简单,密封结构合理,密封圈更换方便实用。
进口刀型闸阀应用:Application of imported knife gate valve:
进口刀型闸阀产品特点:Features of imported knife gate valve:
1, simple structure, beautiful shape, full bore flow, small coefficient of flow resistance. The gate of ascension, and the sealing adhesive on the surface to scrape, automatically cleared;
2, stainless steel gate to prevent corrosion caused by seal leakage. The whole stainless steel to prevent corrosion, long service life;
3, knife gate valve can choose a variety of piping flange standards and flange sealing surface type, but also the use of manual, worm gear transmission, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic and other driving methods, to meet the different needs of users.
Thank you are using the TYLER products, thank you for your concern about the United States TYLER.
Pacemaker of TYLER- industrial valve in the United states. Enjoy a high reputation in the world. Products all over the world. In the global strategy of TYLER in the United states. Chinese market is one of the core strategy of the United States TYLER. The United States TYLER China after years of efforts to develop an agent. Today, TYLER has formed in China, including butterfly valve, ball valve, regulating valve and other more than 20 series of product pattern.
The standard includes ISO/API/ANSI/DIN and so on. The US TYLER has had a deep effect on the market in China branded.
American TYLER R & D department has a first-class designer, relying on scientific and technological innovation, and constantly upgrade products. Optimize product structure and improve technical content. Strive to produce high-quality, high performance, high life products. Professional agents, to help customers correct selection, can promptly solve the problems arising on the scene.
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