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上海吉亘思电子机械技术有限公司成立于2003年,公司位于上海市青浦区沪青平公路5750号,占地面积2200㎡。公司集团总部位于中国五金城浙江省永康市五金科技工业园银川东路占地面积120000㎡,另集团在江苏常州高新园区设有金属高准确机械加工厂占地面积30000㎡。合理的地理设置实现了长三角资源共享,集团化发展的战略目的。 总公司在科技上不断创新,获的了多项国内外大奖,并通过了全部ISO9001:2000和TS16949:2002质量体系认证,为了更好的服务大部分国家客户采购的需要,公司现严格按TS16949体系标准执行,能按客户要求作好PPAP,FMEA,CPK等活动的控制,现已成为许多全部﹑国内大中型企业大部分国家采购的G1供应商。 公司有经验于铝合金产品的研发﹑制造﹑加工﹑总装。现有铝挤压﹑铝压铸﹑铝重铸﹑准确切割﹑阳较氧化﹑表面拉丝发纹﹑抛光﹑涂装﹑焊接﹑钣金﹑冲压﹑铆接﹑自动仪表车加工﹑CNC数控(车﹑铣)加工﹑加工中心准确加工﹑装配﹑自动化设备组装等生产工序。是华东地区设备﹑设施配套非常齐全﹑检验设备先进的有经验铝合金产品研发﹑生产﹑加工﹑装配的集团化公司。 公司现主要产品有工业铝合金型材加工件,铝压铸件,铝重铸件,铝合金非常高精度纯加工件,高等铝装饰件,汽车﹑摩托车配件,准确自动化配套设备及附件,高精产品核心部件等,集团公司产品90%以上供应给国内大中型企业,外商独资企业,或直接出口。通过多年不断的奋斗,公司已发展成为实力雄厚﹑出口量不断增长的企业,并越来越受到全部大中型企业青眯与关注。在未来的发展中,公司将全力致立于成为有经验金属零部件准确加工配套工厂,终端成品与自动化机械设备OEM生产总装基地和拥有自主品牌的集团公司 Shanghai Gookso Electronic & Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2003 in No.5750, Huqingping Rd,  Qingpu District, Shanghai with an area of 2200 square meters. The headquarter is located in East Yinchuan Rd. in Hardware technology industrial park which is called Chinese Hardware City in Yongkang, Zhejinag with an area of 120,000 square meters. Besides, the group established its metal high precision mechanical manufacturing factory in Hi-Tech District of Changzhou, Jiangsu Province with an area of 30,000 square meters. In these reasonable geological positions, they shared the resources in the triangle of Changjiang River, and realized the group strategic development purpose.  The corporation has already been granted many prizes in and abroad of China by its continuous innovation in technology, and passed the ISO9001:2000 andTS16949:2002 quality system verification. In order to meet the requirements of all global customers on procurement in further, the company executes all the procedures strictly according to the TS16949 system standards and controls very well the PPAP,FMEA,CPK activities according to the requirements of customers. Now we have already been the G1 supplier for many large and medium sized corporations in and out of China. The company is specialized in the research and development, manufacture and produce as well as assembly of Aluminum alloy products. Now we have the production procedures of Aluminum on extrusion, die casting, double teeming, high precision cutting, anodic oxidation, wire drawing and seaming on surface, polishing, applying, welding, sheet metal, punching, riveting, instrument lathe automatically machining, CNC numerical control press/ milling machine, the precise machining/ assembling of manufacture center and the installation of automatic equipment. This is the professional group company on the research and development, manufacture and produce as well as assembly of Aluminum alloy products, with the most completed and advanced equipments and accessories in East of China. Our major products include the manufactured parts for industrial sectional materials, the die casting parts and the double teeming parts of Aluminum, the pure manufactured parts of super high precise of Aluminum alloy, classic Aluminum decorating parts, automobile and motor cycle accessories, précised automatic fittings and accessories, the core parts of high précised products etc. More than 90% of the company products are supplied to the large and medium sized Chinese corporations, and foreign invested corporations, or exported to aboard directly. After many years of endeavor, the company has already grown up to a powerful group with continuous increasing export quantity, and got more and more attention and respect of some large and medium sized international companies. In our future development, we will mainly devote ourselves to be a complete auxiliary factory of specialized metal parts on the high precise manufacturing, the OEM production and assembly base of terminal products and automatic mechanical facilities, and one group with our own brand name.