单氟磷酸钠 Sodium monofluorophosphate
分子式:FNa2O3P 分子量:143.9499
用 途:代替氟化钠在牙膏配方中用作防龋剂、牙齿脱敏剂,也用于清洁金属表面和作熔剂,还可用于制造特种玻璃
性 质:白色粉末,熔点 625?C
CAS NO.: 10163-15-2
Molecular formula:FNa2O3P Molecular weight:143.9499
Application:Instead of sodium fluoride, it is used as an anti-caries agent and tooth desensitizer in toothpaste formulations. It is also used to clean metal surfaces and as a flux. It can also be used to make special glass.
Property:Melting point 625?C
CAS No.:10163-15-2;7631-97-2
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