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供应果酱盒 质优价廉 欢迎来电!


0.5 元/个

  • 单价:电议
  • 最小起订量: 不限
  • 所在地:浙江 嘉兴
  • 供货总量: 10000000000
  • 发布时间:2013-03-18



名称:果酱铝盒 型号:HY-4215 Top out:Ф42 Top in: Ф35 Base: Ф29Height: 15mm包装:1000 或 5000 个/箱 厚度:0.05-0.12mm生产周期: About 10 days 认证: FDA, SGS, ISO22000.颜色: 金色/红色等 优点: 1、价格便宜,可重复使用并可回收,是当今世界流行的环保材料 2、美观性铝箔容器防渗漏,结实,容易整理而且使食物保持新鲜。铝的传导性很好,能加速烘烤和冷冻的速度。和其他包装材料相比,铝箔容器能够更快更好的恢复原貌。 3、环保性铝箔容器的使用不对环境造成任何的影响,安全,使用方便,价格同步于塑料制品,还可节约用水。使用铝箔容器包装快餐代替塑料制品,可保护环境,减少白色污染。   请您告诉我们的材料,厚度,大小,颜色和其他印刷产品的特殊要求。我们可以给你优惠;我们可以生产各种包装袋和包装膜根据您的要求。如果有必要,我们可以给你一些意见以作参考; 联系方式:联系人:沈佳佳手机:+86-***请点击商铺导航 联系我们*** QQ :943242567 Name: Aluminum jam Model: HY-4215 Top out: Ф42 Top in: Ф35 Base: Ф29 Height: 15mm Packaging: 1000 or 5000 / box Thickness :0.05-0 .12 mm Production cycle: About 10 days Certification: FDA, SGS, ISO22000. Color: gold / red, etc. Advantages: 1, cheap, reusable and recyclable, is the world"s most popular eco-friendly materials 2, able to withstand high and low temperature (-20 ℃ -250 ℃), the molecular structure of the packaging material is stability and not change , it can move from the refrigerator to the oven to the table without changing containers, compared to the current widespread use of plastic fast-food containers only withstand the temperature range is -16 ℃ to 85 ℃. The shiny surface of aluminum foil after use several times in the multi-function oven , still looks bright,,at the same time the food can maintain its color and flavor. 3, the appearance of aluminum foil containers leak proof, sturdy, easy to organize and to keep the food fresh. Good conductivity of aluminum, can accelerate the rate of baked and frozen. And compared other packaging materials, aluminum foil containers can be restored faster and better. 4, the use of environmentally friendly aluminum foil container does not cause any environmental impact, absolutely safe, easy to use, price synchronization in plastics, can also save water. Use aluminum foil instead of plastic fast food packaging containers, to protect the environment, reduce the white pollution. Please tell us the material, thickness, size, color and other printed products, special requirements. We can give you a discount; We can produce all kinds of bags and packaging film according to your requirements. If necessary, we can give you some advice for reference; Contact information: Contact person: Ms.Eve Gilbert Mobile: +86-***请点击商铺导航 联系我们*** QQ :943242567   嘉兴环亚包装有限公司是一家集开发、研制、生产于一体的铝箔制造商。公司顺应时代发展潮流,生产的铝箔容器为一次性环保产品,为食品业提供适应国际潮流包装。专业从事生产无皱光壁铝箔容器、干润滑铝箔、防粘铝箔、耐高温铝箔及特殊铝箔材料等。公司坐落于长三角洲嘉兴市,距上海8公里,杭州、宁波1小时车程,交通便利,区位优势明显。      我公司采用全自动智能铝箔生产线,从原材料到待包装,均有机器完成。具有产品卫生、高质量、高效率等特点。质量可与世界同类产品媲美(符合FDA标准),且价格具有极其的竞争优势。同时,公司有能力依据客户的要求具体开模生产。欢迎新老客户来电来函洽谈!



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  • 嘉兴环亚包装有限公司
  • 经营模式:制造商
  • 主营:航空餐盒,铝箔餐盒,铝箔印刷,干润滑铝箔,防黏铝箔
  • 地区:浙江 嘉兴




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