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发布日期:2020-07-30 来源:www.gzjingjiada.com 作者:广州精佳达

 广州精佳达电子科技有限公司/精达电源-专门从事开关电源设计、生产、销售、技术服务有经验公司。已有十多年的电源开发、生产经验。可以灵活效率高地根据客户要求提供一体的电源解决方案、并以质量稳定、价格合理、交货及时、服务周到赢得了众多厂商的信赖和赞誉、实行了一体质量管理体系、严格按照ISO9001:2000 标准的要求建立质量管理体系。产品有液晶电视电源、1U数字功放电源、LED显示电源、工业电源、舞台灯光电源、大功率可调电源、及订做非标电源产品。产品广泛应用到家用电器、LED照明、动态广告屏、有经验舞台灯光音响、工业自动化、LED显示屏、电子仪器污水处理、表面处理等行业。本公司坚持“品质为先,诚信为本,快捷服务,互利双赢”的经营理念,以“精益求精、锐意创新”的研发理念开拓创新。并依靠自身雄厚的技术实力不断完善的研发、生产、销售及服务体系产品经过多项认证,强耐环境性、过压过流短路完善的保护,采用自动化设备制造,高标准满载高温老化,ATE智能化测试设备不断推出更新、更好的高品质产品,为客户提供整体化的服务,实现共赢互惠的目标! 拥有完整、科学的质量管理体、诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。
Guangzhou Jingjiada Electronic Technology Co. , Ltd. / Jingda power supply-specialized in switching power supply design, production, sales, technical services professional company. Has More than 20 years of power development, production experience. Can Be Flexible and efficient according to customer requirements to provide a comprehensive power supply solutions, and with stable quality, reasonable prices, timely delivery, service to win the trust and praise of many manufacturers, the implementation of the total quality management system, in strict accordance with the requirements of ISO9001:2000 quality management system. PRODUCTS ARE LCD TV power supply, 1U digital power amplifier power supply, LED display power supply, industrial power supply, stage lighting power supply, high-power adjustable power supply, and customized non-standard power products. Products are widely used in household appliances, LED lighting, dynamic advertising screen, professional stage lighting audio, industrial automation, LED display screen, electronic equipment. Sewage treatment, surface treatment and other industries. The company adhere to the quality first, integrity-based, fast service, mutual benefit and win-win business philosophy, to keep improving, Innovative R & D concept to develop innovation. And rely on its own strong technical strength to constantly improve the research and development, production, sales and service system. The products have passed many certifications, strong environmental resistance, over-voltage, over-current, short circuit protection, using automatic equipment manufacturing, 高标准 full load high temperature aging, ATE intelligent testing equipment constantly introduced updated, better quality products To provide customers with a full range of services to achieve the goal of mutual benefit Has a complete, scientific quality management body, integrity, strength and product quality recognition of the industry. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit, guidance and business negotiation.
