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15d80428554fbf522f9e3919eb6e02c.jpg广东德普龙建材有限公司是一家有经验生产销售室内外金属铝质天花吊顶、金属单层铝幕墙板、异形天花、铝蜂窝板等装饰工程配套材料的大型企业。  公司成立于2008年,经过多年的经营发展,已发展成一家全国知名度较高的金属铝质装饰材料企业,现我公司拥有大面积现代生产厂房和办公楼,优雅的环境,公司引进法国萨麦斯SMAES全自动材料喷涂设备和韩国全自动KCI喷粉生产线,电脑数控液压设备,电脑数控转塔冲床,数控剪床,氩弧焊接技术,六条自动喷涂流水线,可满足终端客户不同的数量及要求。   本公司有多名工程设计人员,设计、生产、销售、安装施工整体化,以“质量与世界同步务使用户满意”为目标,积较推广和实施ISO9001;2008质量管理体系,从工程设计,产品生产检验,施工安装服务实行严格控制和管理。从售前、售中、售后进行跟进服务,根据反馈的讯息不断改良,不断开拓创新,开发研制绿色环保的建材产品,本公司采用先进的技术,优异的材料,精湛的工艺,不断为建筑装饰创造高雅、舒适、健康,环保的建筑装饰精品,是国家装饰材料生产基地推荐优异产品,为多个要点项目指定产品,本公司各可靠品牌系列天花行销全国各地,出口到东南亚国家、中东国家、南美、非洲及部分欧洲国家,满足不同工艺标准的要求。  先进的设备,优异的品质,高等的服务,本公司将与你一起走向更辉煌的明天   Guangdong Depp Dragon Building Materials Co., Ltd. is a professional production and sales of indoor and outdoor metal, aluminum ceiling, metal single layer aluminum curtain wall panels, special-shaped smallpox, aluminum honeycomb panels and other decorative materials supporting large-scale enterprises.  The company was founded in 2008, after many years of business development, has developed into a metal aluminum decorative material enterprise a national well-known, now our company has a large modern production plant and office buildings, elegant environment, the company introduced sames SMAES automatic fluorocarbon spraying equipment and South Korea KCI automatic powder production line. Computer numerical control hydraulic equipment, computer CNC turret punching machine, CNC shearing machine, argon arc welding technology, automatic spraying line six, which can meet the requirements of different customers and terminal number.  The company has more than engineers, design, production, sales, installation and construction integration, with "quality of service user satisfaction with the world" as the goal, and actively promote the implementation of the ISO9001; 2008 quality management system, from engineering design, product testing, installation services to implement strict control and management. Tracking service from the pre-sale, sale, customer service, according to the feedback information of continuous improvement, continuous innovation, the development of green building materials products, the company used advanced technology, high-quality materials, exquisite craft, constantly creating elegant and comfortable, health for building decoration, building decoration is environmental protection. State decoration materials production base recommend quality products, products for the specified number of key projects, the companys major brand series of smallpox marketing all over the country, exported to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, South America, Africa and some European countries, meet different process standards.  Advanced equipment, high quality, first-class service, our company will be with you to a more brilliant tomorrow


从事行业: 企业商标: 广东德普龙建材有限公司

企业类型: 私营企业 主营:铝单板,铝方通,铝窗花,铝护栏,铝天花吊顶,铝条扣,挂片天花

经营模式: 制造商


公司名称:广东德普龙建材有限公司 注册号: 440126000570914

登记机关:广州市番禺区市场监督管理局 法人代表:李科举

注册资本: 1000万人民币万元 企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)

成立时间:2015-05-26 经营期限: 2015-05-26|长期


经营范围: 金属建筑装饰材料制造;金属结构制造;金属日用杂品制造;金属表面处理及热处理加工;金属装饰材料零售;建材、装饰材料批发;金属制品批发;商品批发贸易(许可审批类商品除外);商品零售贸易(许可审批类商品除外);(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓
