主营:铝箔容器,铝箔制品,铝箔卷, AFC (China), located in Shanghai, China, is a leading manufacturer of aluminum foil containers, sheets and rolls for food service and other industry. AFC (China) supplies the products with the best quality and competitive price. We t
从事行业: 企业商标:
企业类型: 主营:铝箔容器,铝箔制品,铝箔卷, AFC (China), located in Shanghai, China, is a leading manufacturer of aluminum foil containers, sheets and rolls for food service and other industry. AFC (China) supplies the products with the best quality and competitive price. We t
经营模式: 制造商
公司名称:上海中强资产管理有限公司 注册号: 310108000323487
登记机关:静安区市场监督管理局 法人代表:刘柳卿
注册资本: 10000万人民币万元 企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
成立时间:2003-10-27 经营期限: 2003-10-27至2023-10-26
经营范围: 资产管理,投资管理,投资咨询,商务信息咨询,房地产开发。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】