一般腐蚀2XXX系列合金容易大气腐蚀,特别是在工业或海岸环境。这些合金受到保护,至少在搭接面时,接触到这些条件。 Alcladding这些合金提供高耐大气腐蚀。 ţhecladsurfaceisresist antto腐蚀性的攻击,并提供额外的
Alloy 2024 in the T351 and T851 tempers has not experienced any in-service problems with exfoliation.
In laboratory tests for exfoliation, alloy 2024-T851 material was essentially immune in any test plane.
Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance
In the T851 temper, alloy 2024 has very good resistance to SCC. Cool of quenching and artificial
aging of 2XXX high strength alloys that have been heat treated has been effective in developing a high
resistance to stress-corrosion cracking. In over 20 years of service experience there have been no
reported incidents of SCC failures in 2024-T351 or 2024-T851 materials.
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