IMD/IML热压成型机:1. D/E是设备配置区别,A/B/C是工作压力主缸动力区别,根据模具和生产的需求配置,外观造型一致为四柱封闭式。
2. 三板四柱结构平行精度高,有效保护模具寿命及提高产品的稳定性。
3. 四柱采用高度度合金钢制作,表面镀硬,耐磨性好;
4. 本机只需更换模具,成型和冲切即可两用。
5. 碳纤维发热管,升温快,发热均匀,温度稳定。加热功能方便开关更节能环保。封闭式外罩外加配置安全光幕安全系数高。
6. 设备机身下方装有脚杯,方便校正机身与地面的水平。
IMD/IML hot pressing molding machine:1. D/E device configuration is the difference, A/B/C is wong master cylinder pressure power difference, according to the mold, Demand and production configuration, appearance consistent model for the four pillars closed.
2. San ban four column structure with high precision, effectively protect the die life and improve the stability of the product.
3. Four column made of high strength alloy steel surface hard chromium plating wear ability;
4. Replace this machine only need mold, molding and die cutting can be dual-use.
5. Carbon fiber heating tube, heating up fast, uniform heating, the temperature stability. Convenient switch heating function. more energy conservation and environmental protection. Enclosed housing plus configuration safety light curtain high safety coefficient.6. Equipment with the left foot cups, convenient adjustment airframe level with the ground.
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