AC-1 aluminum alloy sacrifice anode
我们提供的铝阳极能够防止海水中钢质结构的腐蚀,广泛应用于 船体、 压水舱、海水管道、港口码头设施、海洋工程、钻井平台、冷凝器以及土壤介质的管道等的防腐之用。铝阳极的性能受合金的化学成分影响,我们提供不同的合金组成 , 以满足顾客的要求, 我们也可以根据客户要求制造特殊规格的阳极。铝合金阳极生产执行GB4948-2002《铝-锌-铟系合金牺牲阳极》。
The uniform pressure band is generally set up every 300-500 meters on the pipeline. During the inspection process, it is hoped that all the uniform pressure bands will be separated and this will be done as far as possible within an adjacent 3-5 km range. For most of the oil field pipeline is difficult to do. In this way, the welding joint of the uniform pressure band is represented as a Breakpoint of the embalming layer, and some signals on the tested pipe will be transmitted to its adjacent pipeline; It is also possible that the signal is returned from a pipe through the joint. However, in most cases, the signal strength of the target pipeline is the largest. According to the signal strength of the target pipeline, it is still possible to distinguish the target pipeline to complete the corresponding detection.
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