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Electronics Co., Ltd. Dongguan Honor

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RVT品牌贴片电解电容厂家 贴片电解电容生产


电议 元/PCS

  • 单价:电议
  • 最小起订量: 1000000000PCS
  • 所在地:广东 东莞
  • 供货总量: 10000000PCS
  • 发布时间:2013-07-07



RVT品牌贴片电解电容厂家 贴片电解电容生产

由于贴片电解电容器的浪涌电压是额定电压的1.15倍,对于350V耐压的铝电解电容器的浪涌电压为402V,高于220V+20%对应的整流峰值电压370V;而对于300V额定电压的铝电解电容器的浪涌电压为345V,可以满足242V交流有效值输入电压,这个电压是交流220V电网的+10%电压。随着我国电网供电质量的提高,220V市电电压一般不会超过这个数值。这是选用400V额定电压和选择300V的额定电压在短时间内根本看不出差异。 信息来源:http://





铝电解电容器使用说明 Notes for use of aluminum electronic capacitors
1.在电器回路不清楚或不明确线路之极性时,则建议使用无极性电解电容器。 1.lf circuit polarities are uncertain, Non-polar capacitors are recommended.
2.无极性(或二极性)电解电容器,可使用在极性转换的回路或直流回路上。 2.Non-polar (or Bi-polar) capacitors can be used in polaritiy- changing circuits or DC circuits.
3.单极性电解电容器只能使用在直流电路上,其极性必需标明在适当之位置或在导针/端子之旁边。 3.Polarized capacitors can be used in DC circuits only. Its polarity must be marked on the proper side of wire/terminal.
4.电解电容器应储存于低温及干燥之处所。 4.Capacitors should be stored at a place of cool and dry.
5.电解电容器不可使用在周围温度超过标示之使用温度范围。 5.Capacitors cannot be used in a place of ambient temperature exceeding its marked temperature.
6.电解电容器不适用于超过可容许纹波电流范围之回路之上,假如有需要耐高温纹波电流之电解电容器,请与我们洽商详情 6.Capacitors cannot be used in a circuit where ripple current exceeds its allowed range. Please contact us if you have requirement for high temperature and ripple current capacitors
7.电解电容器经长久储存,如果漏电流超出规格值,使用前应以额定电压重新再老化30~60分钟。 7.lf capacitors have been stored for a long time and its leakage current exceeds the specified value, please recharge for 30 to 60 minutes with rated voltage before using.
8.电解电容器一般品不适用于骤然间之充放电,如需使用在快速充放电的场合,请与我们洽商。 8.Capacitors cannot be used in a circuit charge or discharge, lf use in a circuit of sudden charge is required, please contact us.
不得超过额定电压。 9.Application of wong voltage to capacitors should not exceed its rated voltage.
10.为了保护电解电容器之内部结构,其导针或端子不容许过分之拉力或承受的拉力,请参考JIS C 5102。 10.ln order to protect the internal structure, ydcon capacitors cannot be applied with over pull-force. Please refer to JIS C 5102.
11.电烙铁应与电容器塑胶套管保持适当距离,以防止过热造成塑胶套管破裂。 11. Soldering iron should be kept in a suitable distance from vinyl sleeve of capacitor in order to avoid sleeve crack.
12.电解电容器经波峰焊锡之程序,其焊锡槽之温度不容许超过260℃±10℃,时间10秒钟。 12.For peak soldering , the solder temperature should not exceed 260℃±10℃ for 10 seconds.
13.为了保护塑胶套管、印刷标示以及封口材料不被破坏,电解电容器不得以滷化化学药品或类似溶剂,作为电解电容器洗涤之用,如三氯乙烯、二甲苯类或酮类等。 13.In order to protect PVC sleeve, printed marks and sealing material, capacitors can not be cleaned with  halogenated chemicals or similar solvent such as trichlorethylene, Xylene or Acetone, etc.
14.本公司一般规格之电解电容器,其品质依照JIS C 5141 标准。 14.Quality of our capacitors is in accordance with JIS C 5141.
15.本公司之信赖性试验方法,JIS C 5102 标准。 15.Reliability test methods for our capacitors are
in accordance with JIS C 5102.
16.本公司在生产过程中不使用破坏臭氧层之药品。 16.None of Ozone Depleting Chemicals (ODC) is used in any manufacturing processes of yadacon Company.



CD110X 型电解电容器
项目 特性
  使用温度范围 (℃) -40~+85 -25~+85
  额定电压范围 (V) 6.3~100 160~450
  标称电容量范围 (μF) 0.1~15000
  标称电容量允许偏差(%) ±20(20℃,120Hz)
  漏电流 (μA) I≤0.01CRUR或or 3(取较大值) I≤0.03CRUR+10
  损耗角正切值 (tgδ) (20℃,120Hz)
UR(V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160~250 350~450
tgδ(max) 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.18 0.20
  温度特性 (120Hz)
UR(V) 6.3 10 16~50 63~100 160~250 350~400 450
Z-25℃/Z+20℃ - - - - 6 8 15
Z-40℃/Z+20℃ 8 6 4 3 - - -
  耐久性 (+85℃)
时间 2000小时
容量变化率 ±20%初始测量值以内
漏电流 ≤初始规定值
损耗角正切值 ≤200%初始规定值
  高温贮存 (+85℃)
时间 1000小时
容量变化率 ±20%初始测量值以内
漏电流 ≤初始规定值
损耗角正切值 ≤200%初始规定值
D ±0.5 ±1.0
5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 16
L+2.00 11 11 11.5 12.5,16,20 20,25 25,31.5 35.5
F±0.5 2 2.5 3.5 5 7.5
d±0.1 0.5 0.6 0.8
UR(V) 6.3 10 16 25 35
CR(μF) ΦDXL(mm) I~(mA)* DXL(mm) I~(mA) DXL(mm) I~(mA) DXL(mm) I~(mA) DXL(mm) I~(mA)
4.7             5X11 25 5X11 30
10         5X11 40 5X11 40 5X11 45
22     5X11 50 5X11 55 5X11 60 5X11 60
33 5X11 60 5X11 65 5X11 70 5X11 70 5X11 80
47 5X11 70 5X11 75 5X11 80 5X11 90 6.3X11 110
100 5X11 100 5X11 110 6.3X11 140 6.3X11 150 8X11.5 190
220 6.3X11 170 6.3X11 190 8X11.5 240 8X11.5 260 10X12.5 330
330 6.3X11 210 8X11.5 270 8X11.5 300 10X12.5 380 10X16 450
470 8X11.5 300 8X11.5 330 10X12.5 420 10X16 500 10X20 590
1000 10X12.5 530 10X16 620 10X20 740 12.5X20 1000 12.5X25 1050
2200 12.5X20 990 12.5X20 1050 12.5X25 1200 16X25 1500 16X31.5 1750
3300 12.5X20 1150 12.5X25 1350 16X25 1650 16X31.5 1900 18X35.5 2250
4700 16X25 1700 16X25 1800 16X31.5 2100 18X35.5 2450    
6800 16X25 1900 16X31.5 2200 18X35.5 2600        
10000 16X31.5 2250 18X35.5 2750            
15000 18X35.5 2900                
UR(V) 50 63 100 160 200
CR(μF) ΦDXL(mm) I~(mA) DXL(mm) I~(mA) DXL(mm) I~(mA) DXL(mm) I~(mA) DXL(mm) I~(mA)
0.1 5X11 5     5X11 5        
0.22 5X11 7     5X11 8        
0.33 5X11 9     5X11 10        
0.47 5X11 10     5X11 10 6.3X11 10 6.3X11 10
1 5X11 15     5X11 15 6.3X11 15 6.3X11 15
2.2 5X11 20     5X11 25 6.3X11 20 6.3X11 20
3.3 5X11 25     5X11 30 8X11.5 35 8X11.5 35
4.7 5X11 30 5X11 35 5X11 35 8X11.5 40 10X12.5 50
10 5X11 45 5X11 50 6.3X11 60 10X12.5 70 10X16 75
22 5X11 70 6.3X11 85 8X11.5 110 10X20 120 10X20 120
33 6.3X11 110 6.3X11 100 10X12.5 160 12.5X20 180 12.5X25 190
47 6.3X11 120 8X11.5 150 10X16 210 12.5X25 230 12.5X25 220
100 8X11.5 210 10X12.5 260 12.5X20 380 16X25 400 16X31.5 430
220 10X16 400 10X20 460 16X25 720 18X35.5 730 18X40 760
330 10X20 540 12.5X20 650 16X25 880        
470 12.5X20 740 12.5X25 850 16X31.5 1150        
1000 16X25 1350 16X31.5 1550            
2200 18X35.5 2100                
UR(V) 250 350 400 450
CR(μF) ΦDXL(mm) I~(mA) DXL(mm) I~(mA) DXL(mm) I~(mA) DXL(mm) I~(mA)
0.47 6.3X11 10 6.3X11 10        
1 6.3X11 15 8X11.5 15 8X11.5 15 10X12.5 15
2.2 8X11.5 25 10X12.5 30 10X12.5 20 10X16 25
3.3 10X12.5 35 10X12.5 35 10X16 35 10X20 35
4.7 10X12.5 40 10X16 45 10X20 45 12.5X20 45
10 10X20 75 10X20 75 12.5X20 75 12.5X25 75
22 12.5X25 140 12.5X25 140 16X25 140 16X31.5 140
33 12.5X25 170 16X25 200 16X31.5 190 18X35.5 200
47 16X25 240 16X31.5 260 18X35.5 260    
100 18X35.5 440            
*额定纹波电流 (+85℃,100Hz或120Hz)




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  • 东莞市荣誉电子有限公司
  • 经营模式:制造商
  • 主营:贴片电解电容,SMD铝电解电容,牛角铝电解电容,无较铝电解电容,铝电解电容,电解电容
  • 地区:广东 东莞




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