Shenzhen Hongfashunda Mold Co.,Ltd,founded in 1997,is an all-round enterprise intergrating reserch,design,production,and marketing.The company has a factory of over 5000m2 and more than 200 employees.There are several departments,including R深圳市鸿发顺达模具有限公司 本公司自1997年成立以来,有经验生产各种通用塑胶壳体,铝型材外壳,钣金外壳等。各种高,中档的标准及非标准金属机箱可来图,来样定做。可承接各种塑胶,冲压及型材模具的设计,开发制作。现有模具、注塑、冲压、装配、喷涂及丝印车间等。Shenzhen Hongfashunda Mould Co., LTD, since its founded in 1997, is focus on producing all kinds of general plastic shell, aluminum shell, sheet metal shell, etc. We can make all kinds of high, intermediate standard and non-standard metal chassis according to a providing map. We can also provide all kinds of plastic, stamping and profile mould design and make its development to production. Now we have departments of mould, injection molding, stamping, assembly, painting and printing workshop in our factory.
我厂产品以其概念新颖、外型独特、工艺准确、质量优等、价格合理、短周期供货等面向新老客户。并且与国内的众多合作品牌企业建立了“共同设计开发、模具制造、产品加工”等新合作模式,开辟了一条互利双赢的合作新路。We offer the new and old customers with our product in novelty concept, unique appearance, process precision, good quality, reasonable price and supply goods in short cycle. At present, we have good cooperation with many domestic brand enterprises. We established a cooperation terms of "common design and development, mold manufacturing, product processing", and opened a new way of win-win cooperation with them.
我们秉承“博取众长、精益求精”的企业精力,不断创新,努力提高客户的满意度,愿与各界朋友进行更广泛的合作。我们竭诚欢迎新老客户莅临我厂。We are adhering the spirit of enterprise—absorb the advantages and keep improving, innovating and improving customer satisfaction, and willing to have a deep relationship with friends of all the fields. We welcome new and old customers sincerely to visit our factory.
We can delivery the goods within this city. Please visit our website to see moulds and specifications in detail.
Shenzhen HongFaShunDa Mould Co., Ltd.
公 司 地 址:深圳市福田区赛格广场2909(29楼)
Company Address: Room 12A, NO.C bldg, Huaqiang Square, Huaqiang Northern Road, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
电 话 (Tel):***请点击商铺导航 联系我们*** 82579948
传 真 (Fax):***请点击商铺导航 联系我们***
工 厂 地 址:深圳市布吉镇秀峰工业城A1栋、A2栋
Factory Address: A1-A2 Building, Xiufeng Industrial, Buji Town, Shenzhen City
电 话 (Tel):***请点击商铺导航 联系我们*** 33619803
传真Fax: ***请点击商铺导航 联系我们***
联 系 人(contact):张先生
网 址 (Website):
邮 箱
深圳市鸿发顺达模具有限公司 成立于1997年,是一家集产品研发设计,生产,销售为一体的综合型企业。现有厂房5000多平方米,员工200多人。设有产品研发设计部,工程部,工模部,五金部,塑胶部,销售部,质检部,PMC等部门。
Company Profile
Shenzhen Hongfashunda Mould Co., Ltd, founded in 1997, is an all-round enterprise integrating research, design, production, and marketing. The company has a factory of over 5000 m2 and more than 200 employees. There are several departments, including R&D Dept, Tooling Dept, Hardware Dept, Plastic Dept, Marketing Dept, QC Dept and PMC, etc.
The company is mainly engaged in the design, processing, and marketing of the mould for the hardware and plastic body case. At present, there are over 30 series and nearly 3000 kinds of hardware and plastic products, covering aluminium case body, aluminium heat sink, metal plate case, machine cabinet, plastic body case, aluminium alloy and plastic seal box. The company’s sales network spreads all over the country and the products are sold to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, European and American countries.
Since established in 1997, the company has been keeping the operating philosophy of ‘Honest, Innovative, Customer-oriented, Human-oriented, and Benefit-based’, following the operation strategy of ‘Quality, Innovation, and Services’ and taking the advantage of others to create benefit with high-efficiency management and to build up good corporation and support from new and old customers, and with the efforts of all our staff, the company will surely become stronger and stronger.
We wish to develop together with you, and help you achieve a great success.