青岛欧尔石墨有限公司位于“石墨之乡”莱西市,是一个以优异天然鳞片石墨和高纯度人造石墨为主体、石墨高新技术产品为主要的私营股份企业。本公司以科技为先导,抓质量求效益,在日益激烈的市场竞争中以雄厚的科技势力为基础,积较开拓市场,产品不但销往全国各地同时还出口日、韩及欧美等国家。 青岛欧尔石墨有限公司现有鳞片石墨、胶体石墨、膨胀石墨、土状石墨、柔性石墨、石墨乳及高纯度人造石墨模具制品等七大系列三十多个品种,三百多个规格,是主要的石墨生产基地。 Qingdao OER graphite Co., LTD is located in hometown of graphite LaiXiShi, It is a comprehensive Private Joint-stock corporation with graphite new-and-high-technolgy products and focusing on high quality natural flake graphite 、artificial graphite and integrated with technology? industry and trading business. To science and technology,OER tries to improve quality and efficiency. Facing increasingly fierce competition in the market,it actively explores the market based on the strong technology basis and products are not only sold throughout the country but also exported to Japan, Korea and Europe and other countries.Since the products into the market, its excellent quality and integrity at home and abroad enjoy a high reputation on the market. Qingdao OER graphite Co., LTD has graphite, colloidal graphite, expanded graphite, earthy graphite, flexble graphite、artificial graphite and high purity artificial graphite mould products and so on, altogether more than thirty varieties of seven series products and more than three hundred specifications, It is the main graphite product processing and exporting base of scientific research.