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作为值得信赖的合作伙伴和高品质金属合金的半成品供应商,通项公司拥有完善的服务体系和有经验的团队。在同客户交易的过程中,我们力求根据不同的应用需求将我们的产品做到精益求精。针对当前和未来的市场需求,通项公司致力于为客户提供较佳的金属材料解决方案。 强烈的求知欲能够释放无尽能量,带领我们追根溯源。通项公司创办以来,始终秉承探究精力,孜孜不倦地努力发掘大自然的力量。我们巧妙运用水火,深刻理解熔炼过程,不断探索有色金属领域的先进技术。正因如此,我们的业务有了今日的蓬勃发展。 我们供应合金,不仅满足今日的需求,而且塑造未来的技术。在合金的供应上,我们有多年的经验。通项公司的产品运用在每一个角落,无论是在人们的日常生活中还是在发展基础设施中,都悄然地发挥着不可或缺的作用。我们产品的特点包括: 可更新材料(近高标准可回收率) 较高的耐用性 较强的舒缓老化和抗腐蚀性 合金添加物使合金具有较高的可切削性(可由机器完成) 平衡菌落效果 合金添加物使合金具有高度耐脱锌性 通过冷变形和热变形可有目的地调整机械属性 在工业用材料中能耗较低的材料之一 通项公司针对不同的原材料提供了1000多种具有前瞻性的合金材料:带材,线材,棒材,管材,型材,模锻件,同步环,以及应用于电气技术和电子领域的压接区和金属塑料组合部件。 根据使用目地的不同,我们会对所供应的合金产品进行优化。比如在汽车行业,电气技术和电子行业以及饮用水装置领域,我们作为资历丰富合作伙伴,提供的特殊合金都得到了广泛的运用。通项公司 的一大优势,就是满足不同客户的特殊需求。这在保证了较高的生产效率的同时,也使我们成为了值得信赖的合作伙伴。 通项公司的产品、部件以及服务不仅在传统领域拥有庞大客户群体,在新兴的市场领域,如水资源、健康健康、绿色科技、移动技术和能源领域,也同样拥有巨大的市场需求。 For many years, TX has been a reliable partner and supplier ofsophisticated and high-quality semi-finished products maed of alloys. Indialogue with our customers, we optimise our products to meet the specific applicationrequirements. TX develops the best alloy material solutions for current andfuture challenges. That feeling of burning curiosity is incomparable. It releases boundless energyto get to the bottom of things. TX‘s spirit of enquiry was awoken many yearsago and still strives to harness the forces of nature. Cunning use of fire andwater, a deep understanding of the melting process and technological expertisein the field of non-ferrous metals are necessary for the things we do. We supply alloys for today‘s applications and thus, shape the technologies oftomorrow. In doing so we contribute many years of experience with alloys.Products by TX make a significant contribution to our daily lives and to theexpansion of infrastructure. They can be found hidden, behind virtually everydoor. TX offers alloys with specific properties tailored to the individualrequirements of a wide range of applications: 稴ustainable material, almost 100 percentrecyclable 稥xtreme durability 稨ighly resistant to aging andcorrosion 稯utstanding chipping (automatic capability)due to alloy additions 稟ntibacterial effect 稨igh dezincification resistance due to alloyadditions 稢oncerted adjustment of mechanicalproperties by cold or hot forming 稯ne of the best carbon footprint of allindustrial materials TX offers more than 1000 alloys as pioneering material for variousprematerials: Strip, wire, rods, tubes and profiles, drop-forged parts, synchronizer rings,press-fit zones and metal-plastic compound systems for electronic andelectrotechnical applications. Depending on the purpose, our alloys are beingoptimised for specific applications. As your competent partner, TX thus offersspecial alloys for the automotive, electrotechnical and electronics industryand for drinking water applications. TX is specialised in meeting individualcustomer requirements. This ensures highest productivity, maximum efficiencyand great reliability. TX′s products, components and services are in demand with the traditionalindustries as well as with the customers who indulge in modern mega trends likewater, health, green technologies, mobility and energy.


从事行业: 企业商标: 通项金属材料(上海)有限公司

企业类型: 国有企业 主营:德国安铝镜面铝板卷,弥散强化氧化铝铜合金,抗菌环保不锈钢板卷棒带,医用不锈钢钛合金钴基合金,钨铜钼铜铍青铜合金,防辐射铅板青铅皮铅胶皮,防腐纯锌棒板带卷箔锌合金,电磁电工纯铁阿姆科铁

经营模式: 制造商+服务商


公司名称:通项金属材料(上海)有限公司 注册号: 310117003535585

登记机关:松江市监局 法人代表:林玉先

注册资本: 200万人民币万元 企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)

成立时间:2016-10-26 经营期限: 2016-10-26至2036-10-25


经营范围: 金属材料、金属制品、五金配件、机电配件、塑料制品、五金交电、机械设备、木材、建筑材料批发零售;网络科技、信息科技领域内的技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务、技术转让。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】
