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Leading Technology Excellent Quality 驻马店恒瑞高温节能材料有限公司位于素有“豫州之主要地区,天下之较中”的驻马店市,是一家在高温材料产业内多元化发展的高新技术企业。恒瑞高温是保温隔热产品的有经验制造公司,致力于为社会提供优异的节能产品与服务,产品包括:硅酸铝陶瓷纤维板/毯/模块/棉/毡/纸,硅酸铝陶瓷纤维异形件、高温胶泥、纤维表面涂料及硬化剂等,同时提供有经验的保温隔热工程技术和施工服务。 Zhumadian Hengrui High-temperature Energy-saving Material Co., Ltd is located in Zhumadian city, Henan province, is a high-tech company has a diversified development in the industry of high-temperature material. We mainly produce insulating products which aims at providing excellent products and services for society, including ceramic fiber board/ blanket/bulk/ modules/ paper, Ceramic Fiber Vacuum Formed Shapes, high-temperature binder,etc. We also offer specific engineering techniques of insulation and engineering services. 恒瑞高温拥有先进的轻质隔热产品的制造工艺和技术。公司年产1050陶纤系列产品、1260陶纤系列产品、1350陶纤系列产品、1430陶纤系列产品、1600多晶纤维系列产品6000多吨。产品广泛应用于冶金、玻璃、石化、机械、电子电器、航天等行业的热工设备、工业窑炉、隔热保温工程、防火工程等。 Hengrui has advanced manufacturing techniques and technologies of lightweight insulating products. We can produce over 6000 tons products per year include ceramic fiber series products of 1050, 1260, 1350, 1430, and PMF products of 1600 degrees. These products were used in the industries of metallurgy, glass, petrochemicals, machinery, electronics, and spaceflight for insulation and fireproofing, etc. 基于不懈的技术革新和优异的品质管理,经过几年的努力,恒瑞品牌以其较高的性价比与良好的售后服务,成为高温材料的理想品牌。恒瑞高温通过了GB/T1900-2008/ISO9001:2008标准管理体系认证,产品以上乘的质量覆盖全国各地市场,并远销韩国、泰国、印度、澳大利亚等国家和地区。 Through several years’ efforts, Hengrui became a perfect brand for high cost performance and good after-sales service on the basis of unremitting innovation of technology and advanced management of quality. Our company was authenticated by Standard System Management System of GB/T1900-2008/ISO9001:2008. Our products covered the markets all over China for superior quality, and the products are also sold in Korea, , India, , Australia, Thailand, etc. 公司以质量靠前、诚信为本、科技至上为经营理念,热烈欢迎国内外各界朋友莅临参观指导,真诚合作,共同发展。 We believe in the operation philosophy-quality, honesty, and technology. All of us in the company welcome friends all over the world come here for visit and guidance, and we also hope we can have sincere cooperation and common development with every friend.