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公司概况 Introduction 娄底市众鑫铝业有限公司座落于享有“国藩故里、女杰之乡”之美誉的湘中名城——娄底市双峰县。本公司投入资金500万元,占地约3000平方米,拥有先进的铝箔涂层生产设备、成熟的铝箔涂层加工技术、完善的产品检验手段和质量保证体系,从事铝箔涂层、铝箔压花、铝箔复合、铝箔、铝带铝板加工等多项产品的研发、生产和销售。生产的多色涂层与聚氨酯或酚醛效率高粘合后,具有保温、防腐、防潮、防火、舒缓反应、环保等性能。产品广泛应用在空调、食品、建材等行业。产品市场广阔,主销我国华东、华北、西南等地区,出口欧美、中东、东南亚等经济区域的10多个国家和地区,年销售额达2000万金额。 Loudi Zhongxin Aluminum Industry Co. LTD is located in Shuangfeng County, Loudi City, which is known as “the hometown of Guofan Zeng, the cradle of Heroine”. Its capital is 5 million yuan with an 3,000-square-meters area. The company is engaged in the research, production and sales of aluminum processing such as aluminum foil coating, foil embossing, foil composite, aluminum foil and etc. Until now, it aims excellence in technology such as developed aluminum coating processing with advanced aluminum foil coating production equipment. Plus, the company is dedicated to develop an all-around product testing and quality assurance system. Its multi-color coating adhesive with polyurethane or phenolic owns several outstanding properties like anti-corrosion, moisture-proof, fire-proofing, anti-oxidation and environmental protection. The usage of these products is prevailing in air-condition, food, building materials and other industries. Its sales network covers eastern, northern and southwestern part of mainland, even reaching Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and other regions with annual sales of 20 million yuan. 公司始终奉行“开拓创新、与众共赢”的企业理念,以客户为中心,以信誉为根本,加强技术研发、严格质量标准,致力于打造一支服务大部分国家的“铝涂湘军”。 The company always holds the belief—“Pioneering,Innovation,Win-win”, thus focusing on customer service with honesty, along with strong research and development. The company makes efforts to build a strong “Aluminum Coating Army in Hunan” based on their solid service worldwide. 公司处于湖南省“长株潭”一小时经济圈,洛湛铁路穿越西北,沪昆高铁傍境而过,沪昆高速、娄衡高速、320国道、210省道、314省道贯穿全境,交通物流快速便利,诚挚邀请各位业界朋友来参观指导、洽谈业务。 The company lies within “Changzhutan” one-hour economic circle in Hunan province, with Luoyang-Zhanjiang railway running through the whole county and Shanghai-Kunming high-speed rail passing by the county’s border. In addition to this, there is convenient transportation network running through the territory, for example, Shanghai-Kunming expressway, Loudi-Hengyang expressway, 320 State Road and etc. We sincerely hope and welcome friends all over the world to visit or negotiate with us. 公司地址:湖南省娄底市双峰县印塘乡白马村龙塘组 Address: Longtang Group, Baima Village, Yintang Township, Shuangfeng County, Loudi City, Hunan Province. 联系电话:王生:***请点击商铺导航 联系我们***, Contact: Mr Wang ***请点击商铺导航 联系我们***, E-mail:***请点击商铺导航 联系我们***@163.com


从事行业: 企业商标: 娄底市众鑫铝业有限公司

企业类型: 私营企业 主营:铝箔,涂层铝箔,彩色铝箔,聚氨酯发泡专项使用铝箔,压花铝箔,黑色铝箔,哑光铝箔,隔热铝箔

经营模式: 制造商+服务商


公司名称:娄底市众鑫铝业有限公司 注册号: 431321000029312

登记机关:双峰县工商行政管理和质量技术监督局 法人代表:王喜春

注册资本: 150万人民币万元 企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)

成立时间:2015-11-25 经营期限: 2015-11-25至2035-11-24


经营范围: 铝箔涂层,铝箔压花,铝箔复合,压花铝板、铝带,铝板、铝带、铝箔加工。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
