EN AW-AlCu6BiPb(DIN 3.1655,AA2011,FC1,A92011,AU5PbBi) alloy is the most often selected for high speed automatic lathes. It offer the following advantages:
easy machining with any equipment;
cutting stress lower than most of other alloys;
longer life of cutting tools;
cutting area always clean due to very thin chip;
high mechanical properties;
possibility to anodize finished part in several colours.
Screws, bolts, nuts, threaded bars.
通项公司经销的德国铝合得奖号:Al99.99R Al99.9H Al99.8H Al99.7H Al99.5H E-AlH Al99.98R Al99.9 Al99.8 Al99.7 Al99.5 E-Al Al99 AlRMg0.5 AlRMg1 Al99.9Mg0.5 Al99.9Mg1 Al99.85Mg0.5 Al99.85Mg1 Al99.9MgSi Al99.85MgSi Al99.8ZnMg AlFeSi AlMn0.6 AlMn1 AlMnCu AlMn0.5Mg0.5 AlMn1Mg0.5 AlMn1Mg1 AlMg1 AlMg1.5 AlMg1.8 AlMg2.5 AlMg3 AlMg4.5 AlMg5 AlMg2Mn0.3 AlMg2Mn0.8 AlMg2.7Mn AlMg4Mn AlMg4.5Mn AlMg5Mn E-AlMgSi E-AlMgSi0.5 AlMgSi0.5 AlMgSi0.7 AlMgSi1 AlMgSiPb AlMgSiCu AlCuBiPb AlCuMgPb AlCu2.5Mg0.5 AlCuMg1 AlCuMg2 AlCuSiMn AlZn1 AlZn4.5Mg1 AlZnMgCu0.5 AlZnMgCu1.5 3.3309 3.3319 3.3308 3.3318 3.3307 3.3317 3.3208 3.2307 3.4337 3.0915 3.0515 3.0517 3.0505 3.0525 3.0526 3.3315 3.3316 3.3326 3.3523 3.3535 3.3345 3.3555 3.3525 3.3527 3.3537 3.3545 3.3547 3.2305 3.3207 3.3206 3.2316 3.2315 3.0615 3.1655 3.1645 3.1305 3.1325 3.3211 3.1355 3.1255 3.4415 3.4335 3.4345 3.4365 GB-AlSi12 GB-AlSi12(Cu) GB-AlSi10Mg GB-AlSi10Mg等各种规格型号铝板铝棒。
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