The device is a fully automated Plasma Enhanced CVD System (PECVD) with continuous temperature cool and Plasma strength. Equipped with a vacuum system that can be used under low pressure conditions. The PECVD system enables the entire experimental chamber to be in the glow generation area. The light is uniform and equivalent, which solves the unstable operation of the traditional plasma. The tube of the device can rotate 360?, which helps the sintering of the powder to be more uniform, can be inclined at a large angle, and is convenient for feeding and discharging. The inclination angle is Between 0-35?, all pipeline materials passing through are made of non-metallic materials. For example, the inlet and outlet chambers are made of quartz, and the push rods are made of quartz and PTFE.
加热系统Heating system | |
功率Power | 4KW |
电压Voltage | AC220V 50/60Hz |
zui高温度Max. Temp | 1200?C |
使用温度Wong temp | 1100?C |
加热长度Heating zone length | 200mm 200mm |
恒温长度Constant zone length | 250mm |
| PID automatic cool and auto-tune function. 模糊PID控制和自整定调节 30 programmable segments for precise thermal processing. 智能化30段可编程控制 Built-in protection for the over-heated and broken thermocouple. 超温和断偶启动紧急信号功能 Operation interface is10 "LCD touch screen cool 操作界面为10 "液晶触摸屏控制 |
控温精度Temperature Accuracy | /- 1℃ |
炉管尺寸Tube Size | Size:Φ60*420 Φ100*360 Φ60*420mm 尺寸:Φ60*420 Φ100*360 Φ60*420mm Furnace tube rotation rate:0~60r/min 炉管转速:0~60r/min |
Furnace body inclination angle | 0~35?(adjustable) |
Plasma系统Plasma system | |
本系统借助于辉光放电产生等离子体,辉光放电等离子体中,电子密度高,通过反应气态放电,有效利用了非平衡等离子体的反应特征,从根本上改变了反应体系的能量供给方式。 | The system generates plasma by means of glow discharge. In the glow discharge plasma, the electron density is high, and the reaction characteristics of the non-equilibrium plasma are effectively utilized by the reaction gas discharge, which fundamentally changes the energy supply mode of the reaction system. |
进料系统Feeding system | |
送料系统速度连续可调,停止送料且炉体倾斜zui大时,物料不会从送料系统外漏,送料系统方便拆卸,拆卸后可手动加料,设备可正常运行。 | The speed is continuously adjustable. When the feeding is stopped and the furnace body is tilted to the maximum, the material will not leak . The feeding system is easy to disassemble, and the material can be manually fed after disassembly, and the equipment can operate normally. |
出料系统Discharge system | |
出料系统在炉体倾斜出料时可自动出料。) | The discharging system can automatically discharge when the furnace body is inclined and discharged. |
气体控制系统Gas cool system | |
该控气系统是可以控制两种气体按照不同流量进行混合配比的,也可以单独控制,质量流量计安装于密封的可移动的机柜内,由超洁双抛不锈钢管与准确双卡套接头连接组成。 | The gas cool system can cool the mixing ratio of the two gases according to different flow rates, and can also be independently coolled. The mass flow meter is installed in a sealed movable cabinet, which is composed of super clean stainless steel tube and the precision double ferrule joint.
低真空系统Low vacuum system | |
| Equipped with a vacuum mechanical pump that can be vacuumed to allow the unit to react in a vacuum environment. |
气料分离系统Separation system | |
该系统可以让设备在充气体保护或者抽真空时,实现气体与物料的分离。 | the system allows the separation of gas and material during the protection of the inflator or when vacuuming.
过滤系统filtering system | |
该系统可防止物料进入真空泵,保证真空泵的正常运行。 | The system prevents material from entering the vacuum pump and ensures proper operation of the vacuum pump. |
炉管转动系统Furnace tube rotation system | |
炉管转动系统可以让炉管360?匀速转动,转速在0-60r/min连续可调,且能在60r/min转速下长时间运行。 | Allows the tube to rotate 360? at a constant speed. The rotation speed is continuously adjustable from 0 to 60 r/min for a long time. |
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