一、开槽参数 (tank set up parameters)
DBR-604 : 40~60g/l
试剂硫酸 Sulfuric acid (Reagent) : 15~20g/l
二、控制参数 (coolling parameters)
DBR-604 :45~55g/l
游离(Free acid) : 18~24 g/l
温度(Temp): 25~35 ℃(Depends to the color requirement)
电压(Voltage): 10~15 V
时间(Time): 30 s 以上(30S~10min)
三、维护和管理 (maintenance and cool)
1、 根据化验槽液的结果来确定添加量。一般情况下每生产一吨钛金料约消耗DBR-604:浅色为3~5Kg/ton;深色为6~10Kg/ton。
Chemical consumption determined by laboratory testing result. Under normal condition the consumption of DBR-604 for every ton of Aluminium is: light color 3 ~5 kg/ton, deep color 6~10 kg/ton.
For this coloring process, the additive can only be added for deeper color, and not for lighter color, so it must be handled by skilled technician.
The coloring tank should be covered while not using to prevent contamination.
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