一、开槽参数 (tank set up parameters)
试剂硫酸 Sulfuric acid (Reagent) : 20~25g/l
DBR-607 : 35~45g/l
二、控制参数 (coolling parameters)
硫酸铜(CuSO4) :10~15g/l
游离酸(free acid) : 18~25g/l
温度(Temp): 20~25 ℃
电压(Voltage): 12~16V
时间(Time): 30 s 以上(30S~8min)
三、维护和管理 (maintenance and cool)
1. 每天检测槽液浓度并按分析结果及时调整,一般情况下每生产一吨料约消耗DBR-607:3~5kg。槽液的总酸度控制在30 ~ 40g/l。
Detection of the bath conceation of DBR-607, sulfuric acid and copper ion , according to the analysis results to adjust and add; each ton of aluminium profile consuming DBR-607: 3~5kg , total acidity coolled in 30 ~ 40g/L.
2. 长期生产槽液会有少量沉淀物产生,要定期过滤或倒槽清理沉淀物。不生产时须加盖槽液以防污染。
Covered bath to prevent contamination when stop producing.
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